
Azerbaycan’da 2 Aylık Gönüllülük

Azerbaycan’da 2 Aylık Gönüllülük

Erasmus+ Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projelerimiz kapsamında Azerbaycan’da gerçekleşecek projenin duyurusunu aşağıda İngilizce olarak bulabilirsiniz.

Projeye katılmak isteyen adayların başvurularını 5 Ağustos 2019’a kadar doğrudan bize, adresine göndermenizi bekliyoruz. Başvurular, Europass CV ve Motivasyon Mektubu eklenerek gönderilmelidir. Eksik olan başvurular dikkate alınmamaktadır.

Başvuru maillerinin konu kısmına, “Bakü’de AGH” yazılması gerekmektedir. Başvuru belgelerinin düzenlenmesi ile ilgili bilgi sitesinden alınabilir.

Hosting Organization: National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA) was established by 11 youth organizations on 21st of November of 1995 and was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 31st of January of 1996.Since its creation the number of members has reached to 124. NAYORA is a united youth platform, the leading youth organization cooperating with international organizations, organizing international integration of youth. NAYORA is a full member of European Youth Forum since 2000, the World Union of Turkish Youth since 1997, and Islamic Conference Youth Forum since 2004. NAYORA has Consultative Status in United Nations ECOSOC. NAYORA is one of the founders of two international organizations, such as Great Silk Way International Youth Union and World League of Turkic Youth.

City and Country: Baku, Azerbaijan

Number of Volunteers: 1

Project Duration: starting after August 10th, 2019 for 2 months

Volunteer Profile:

  • Communication in a foreign language (writing, reflection on learning style, different meanings of words, developing active listening, learning about cultural aspect communication in the host country,…);
  • Practical, technological and digital skills in the field of project management: (reflection on the way I use logical thinking/strategically thinking, if I applied practical skills in my Daily service)
  • “Learning to learn” (reflection on learning style and reflection on the single experiences and what they changed into the volunteer soul…);
  • Personal, Social and intercultural competences (how the volunteer faced the cultural shock, relationships with the others, conflict management…);
  • Sense of initiative and contribution (having a role into the organization and society, and having a space where to express his/her sense of initiative, putting in practice own” projects…);

General activities in the project:

  • To be able to raise awareness about youth issues;
  • To be able to meet local cultures; So he/she can join intercultural learning activities;
  • To share his/her own culture to the others;
  • To develop organizational skills through working within a group dynamic;
  • To participate in implementation period of the projects;